DUUUDE, that rolled! It was so amazing. Man, the two animals fitted perfectly within the comical setting and the pictures with funny text on it where great. That grunchy voice was also cool. great job, dude
DUUUDE, that rolled! It was so amazing. Man, the two animals fitted perfectly within the comical setting and the pictures with funny text on it where great. That grunchy voice was also cool. great job, dude
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! Fred and Sceb make a pretty good pair, even if they don't always get along. (Like, never.)
Thanks for taking the time to write a review, too.
final touch missing
this could be easily done much better if you would o've worked on it longer to remove the predictable stuff.
Lol no.
duuude this roola
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, im so stupid
what a sweet little face i have
Age 30, Male
Joined on 8/6/09